Snapchat colorful Snaps & Symbols meaning (2024) Explained | Settings – Aditya Gyan

What Every Snapchat Symbol Means ( Chat Signs ) 

In today’s time, there will hardly be anyone who does not use social media, all people use different social media platforms. The main social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. Snapchat is also one of them which is a very popular platform all over the world. But there are many such features in Snapchat that users do not know about what it is and how to use it.
Many Snapchat users think that Snapchat is just a platform of filters and use it only to click photos but it is not like that at all. 
Snapchat is very interesting and features full social media, in which you get many such features that you do not get on other social media platforms
One of them is the interesting feature on Snapchat that you get to see many such colorful signs in the chat section. People do not know the meaning of those signs why they come in our chats and how can we understand them.
snapchat chat symbols

What are Snaps in Snapchat?

In simple words, snaps are pictures clicked from Snapchat’s camera, which means all the pictures in Snapchat are called snaps, not pictures/Images.

Types of Snaps:- There are two types of Snaps in Snapchat Red snap & Purple snap

Red snaps are those that Snaps which have no sound including video & pictures but there is no sound in Red SNAP
Purple Snaps are that Snaps have sound including video as well as pictures, the main specialty of Purple Snaps is that they include sound.

Delivered Signs on Snapchat

delivered symbols on snapchat
Blue Delivered Sign:- When you send a message in your Snapchat to anyone it shows blue Delivered Signs, which looks like an arrow.
Red Delivered Signs:- When you send that Snaps have no sound to anyone on Snapchat, You get to see the delivered sign in a red color in your friend’s chat.
Purple Delivered Signs:- When you send that Snaps sound to anyone on Snapchat, You get to see the delivered sign in a Purple color in your friend’s chat.

Received Signs on Snapchat

Blue Chat Sign:- When anyone on Snapchat sends you a message you get to see a received message sign in blue color in front of your friend’s chat section.
Purple Snaps:- When anyone on Snapchat sends you a purple Snap then you will get to see a purple Snap sign in your chat.
Red Snaps:- Your friend sent you a Snap without audio it will see a Red solid square snap in your chat.

Opened Signs on Snapchat

Red Unfilled Arrow:- Your friend opened your Snap without audio you will get to see a red Unfilled Arrow sign in your friend chat.
Purple Unfilled Arrow:- Your friend opened your Snap with audio you will get to see a Purple Unfilled Arrow sign in your friend chat.
Blue Unfilled Square:- When your friend sees your sent message, You get to see a Blue Unfilled Square sign in front of your friend’s chat section.

Reply Signs on Snapchat

Purple circle with arrowhead:- When your friend replayed a Snap with audio you will get to see a Purple circle with arrowhead signs
The red circle with arrowhead:- When your friend replayed a Snap without audio you will get to see a Red circle with arrowhead signs.

Grey Signs on Snapchat

Grey solid arrow:- You sent a Snap & Chat that is pending, which may mean that you’re sending it to someone who hasn’t accepted your friend request on Snapchat.

Screenshot Signs

One of the most amazing features of Snapchat is the screenshot feature, whenever anyone on Snapchat takes a screenshot of your story, profile, chat, snaps, etc you will get a notification that your friend took a notification of that.
Red double unfilled arrows:- When your friend took a screenshot of a Snap without audio you will get to see double unfilled arrows.
Purple double unfilled arrows:- When your friend took a screenshot of a Snap with audio you will get to see purple double unfilled arrows.

Snapchat Friends Emojis

Snapchat friends emojis meaning
The emojis that show up next to your Snapchat friends’ names on your friend list aren’t random — they are a unique feature on Snapchat that says something specific about your relationship with your Snapchat friends. This is what each one means on Snapchat in the chat section.
According to Snapchat ( Friend Emojis are a fun way to learn a little more about your friends on Snapchat )
Pink Sparkling 💖 Heart( Super BFF ):- This Friend Emoji appears next to your #1 Best Friend when you’re also their #1 Best Friend – for two months in a row.
Red ❤️ Heart ( BFF ):- This Friend Emoji appears next to your #1 Best Friend when you’re also their #1 Best Friend – for two weeks in a row.
Yellow 💛 Heart ( Besties ):- This Friend Emoji appears next to your #1 Best Friend when you’re also their #1 Best Friend
Smiley 😊 ( Bfs ):- Appears next to your one of your best friends.
Rude 😑 Emoji ( Mutual Besties ):- This Friend Emoji appears next to someone when your #1 Best Friend is also their #1 Best Friend.
Smart 😎 Emoji ( Mutual BFs ):- This Friend Emoji appears next to someone whom you share a Best Friend with.
Snapstreak 🔥 :- This Friend Emoji appears next to the number of days that you and a friend have Snapped at each other. If you AND your friend don’t both send a Snap within 24 hours, you will lose your Snapstreaks!

In Snapchat, you can also change the emojis of the Snapchat show next to your friend’s name.
Follow the given steps for changing the emoji symbol.

1 ) Click On Your Profile
2 ) Click On Settings >> In the who can section
3 ) Click on Customise Emojis
4 ) Click on any Emoji or Relationship status symbol on Snapchat
5 ) Choose the Emoji that you want >> then back your emoji symbol will change

What does the golden Verified sign mean on Snapchat?

A gold star will appear next to your name once your account is verified. This sign indicates that this profile is of a real & popular person. There are many methods to get a Golden Star verified sign on Snapchat. But if you are a popular person then you will get to see next to your name organically. Without paying money to any social media agency.


What does the Snapchat screenshot symbol grey mean?

If anyone takes a screenshot of an unfriended profile then you have to see a grey screenshot sign

Purple circle with arrowhead means?

When a friend replayed a snap without audio

What do red hearts mean on Snapchat?

You have been 1# best friends for two weeks

Snapchat golden star emoji mean?

Verified sign, which indicates that this profile is of a real and popular person.

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