1000+ Instagram Notes 2024 | Best Instagram Notes Ideas in Hindi & English

Instagram notes feature

Instagram Notes: So if you also want Amazing Notes Captions on Instagram, let me tell you that you have come to the right blog, Here you get 1000+ Best Instagram Notes Ideas in English + Hindi Language.

As you may know, Instagram launched a very new feature a few days back in which you can share your thoughts of your mind, which will be visible to all your followers whom you follow back that is, and whoever has followed you will show these notes lines to all those people.

You can use 60 letters in your Instagram Notes & this will disappear after 24hrs just like the Instagram Story feature


How to use Instagram Notes Feature

1) Tap on the Instagram Application
2) Tap on the Chat section
3) Then tap on the Notes option
4) Copy any of the following Notes & paste them into your Notes, then share them.
5) Your Note will be shared with your Followers.


Motivational Instagram Notes

Best Instagram Notes | Best Instagram Notes Ideas in Hindi & English. Following are the best Instagram motivational notes that will bring energy to your life, by inspiring you.

Tomorrow❣️is the first day of the rest of your life.

Make tomorrow✨ the best it can be.

Don’t look back. You aren’t going there.

Turn a new ☺️page in your book of life today.

Every day is a fresh start.

Embrace the process, not the result.


Today is a beautiful day to have a wonderful day.

Keep truckin’, 🥰girlfriend.

When one door closes, another opens. Open. The. Door.

Your time to shine is now.

Hello, my 😘beautiful life.

If you can love anyone, love yourself.

Rewrite your story. There is never a “right” time.

Celebrate everything.

What you dream is worth waiting for.
Prove everybody wrong. Change is always possible.

Hard times won’t last forever.

Be your own 😎hero.
You are stronger than you think.

One foot in front of the next, every single day.
Bent, but not broken.

Be a Moon, not Star.

Never be ruled by fear.
Your story finishes with a happy ending.

Things look grim. But, it isn’t like you❤️ spilled your coffee!

It’s okay. A taco will fix this.

Just keep swimming. It worked for Dory on Finding Nemo.

You’ll look back and these times and know how incredible you were.

Be the light.
You deserve this.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

All those 💙left turns led you right here.
Be bold. Be brave.

In order to shine, there has to be some darkness.

Work hard today, Your future will automatically be bright.

Know what is temporary and what is not.
A little faith goes a long way.

Less talking, more doing.
Wish less, do more.

Find your tribe. 🙈Catch your vibe.

Start the day by simply starting.
There is always room for another try.

When you feel like you can’t do anything, dance.

Do things that make you forget to check social media.

Everything before today was just a trial run.
Try your best on any day that ends in “Y.”
You got out of bed. That may be enough for now.

Leaves 💖fall and they are still beautiful.

Don’t try to be a different flower. Be the flower you were always intended to be.

We are all different flowers, living in the same garden.

Look towards the 💨sky, because the only way to go is up.

Let the wind carry the negativity away.

Storms give way to rainbows. Just weather them and wait for the beauty to unfold.

Unfold yourself to the world one petal at a time.

Like a tree, I will shelter you.

Every day you grow, even when you can’t feel it.

Reach for the ♥️sky, but be grounded in your roots.

Leave your own life 😜

You can be the rain and the clouds or the sun and the stars, Choose.

Light up the world like the stars light up the skies.

Don’t worry, be 💮wonderful.
The day is young, and you are beautiful.

See yourself as the world sees you.
Somebody loves you, baby!

Be Smile, Be Happy 😌

Be amazing! As if you could ever be anything else.

Breathe. You’ve got this.
Wake up. Smile. Be grateful. Work Hard. Repeat.

Be yourself. Be Kind. You’ll be fine.
Show us those pearly whites.

Hey, beautiful!
If you can be anything, choose to be grateful.

New days bring new 🌻beginnings.
Before you do all the things, do you.
Free hugs.

Look at your Good things not bad💫

A smile sure looks good on you.
In case no one has told you this today: You are amazing.

The world is a better place because you are in it.

Dance 🌹wildly, sing loudly, and smile often.
This day was made for you.

No one is going to do it for you.

Improve yourself, your luck will automatically change 💫

Make your kind + Mind ☺️

What are you waiting for? GO!

This is your story, so tell it.
Act now, question later.

Loving is Easy.
Things don’t get done 🌿accidentally.
World: Girl, you can’t do that. Girl: Hold my purse, world.

Don’t tell them. Show them.

Make moves, not excuses.

Settling is not an option.

True Motivational IG Notes

  1. Aim high, and achieve more.
  2. Believe, then succeed.
  3. Create your destiny.
  4. Dream, then act.
  5. Every day counts.
  6. Fear less, do more.
  7. Give it your all.
  8. Hope inspires progress.
  9. Imagine, then do.
  10. Just keep moving.
  11. Keep pushing forward.
  12. Learn, grow, thrive.
  13. Make it happen.
  14. Never give up.
  15. Overcome, achieve.
  16. Push past limits.
  17. Quitting is not winning.
  18. Rise above challenges.
  19. Stay focused, win.
  20. Time is precious.
  21. Unlock your potential.
  22. Visualize success.
  23. Work hard, succeed.
  24. X-ceed expectations.
  25. You can do it!
  26. Zealously pursue goals.
  27. Always be improving.
  28. Believe in yourself.
  29. Choose to be happy.
  30. Don’t settle for less.
  31. Enjoy the journey.
  32. Faith can move mountains.
  33. Give your best effort.
  34. Hustle and heart.
  35. Improve every day.
  36. Just keep going.
  37. Keep the faith.
  38. Live with passion.
  39. Motivation fuels success.
  40. Never stop trying.
  41. Optimism wins battles.
  42. Pursue your passions.
  43. Quitting is not an option.
  44. Results come from the effort.
  45. Strive for greatness.
  46. Take chances, succeed.
  47. Unlock your potential.
  48. Visualize your success.
  49. Work smarter, not harder.
  50. You are unstoppable.
  51. Zero in on your goals.
  52. Aim for the top.
  53. Believe in the process.
  54. Consistency breeds success.
  55. Dream big, achieve big.
  56. Every challenge is an opportunity.
  57. Failure is a stepping stone.
  58. Greatness is within you.
  59. Hard work pays off.
  60. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt.
  61. Just start now.
  62. Keep the momentum.
  63. Live with purpose.
  64. Make progress daily.
  65. Never look back.
  66. One step at a time.
  67. Perseverance conquers all.
  68. Quality over quantity.
  69. Reach for the stars.
  70. Stay hungry, stay foolish.
  71. Trust the journey.
  72. Unleash your potential.
  73. Vision drives success.
  74. Work hard, play hard.
  75. You are the architect of your life.
  76. Zigzag towards success.
  77. Anything is possible.
  78. Believe in the power of yourself.
  79. Courage over fear.
  80. Don’t be afraid to fail.
  81. Embrace challenges.
  82. Focus on the goal.
  83. Give it your all, always.
  84. Have a never-give-up attitude.
  85. Invest in yourself.
  86. Just keep trying.
  87. Keep going, keep growing.
  88. Live your best life.
  89. Make a difference.
  90. Never forget your why.
  91. One day at a time.
  92. Positive thoughts lead to positive results.
  93. Quitting is not an option.
  94. Reach for your potential.
  95. Stay true to yourself.
  96. Take action now.
  97. Understand your purpose.
  98. Visualize your success.
  99. Work towards your goals.
  100. You can achieve anything.

इंस्टाग्राम के सबसे रोचक नोट्स (Notes)

चाहे जितना मेहंगा earphone🤣 लगा लो
सबसे पहले एक कान का खराब होना ही है।

डॉक्टर ने खून की कमी बताई है,
किसका खून पियुं।

इज़्ज़त किया करो,
बेइज़्ज़ती तो हमारे घर वाले ही बहुत करते हैं।

फ़िल्टर में रहने दो.फ़िल्टर ना हटाओ,
फ़िल्टर जो हट गया तो.बाबू डर जाएगा

जुबान तो सबके पास होती है कोई बात करता है और कोई बकवास।

हमारे पास हर Problem का Solution होता है.
बस प्रॉब्लम दूसरों की होनी चाहिए🤣

पुलिस: बिना मास्क के कहाँ जा रहे हो ?
मैं: मास्क खरीदने

लाइफ में थोड़ा एडवेंचर लाएं.
अपनी लव स्टोरी घरवालों को बताएं.!

आज तुम फॉरएवर हो कल तुम व्हाटएवर भी हो जाओगे।

मैं: जो होगा देखा जाएगा
2020: रुक, कुछ और दिखाऊं?

लोगों का बुरा दिन होता है, मेरा तो बुरा युग चल रहा है।

Other: सिंगल हो? 😜
Me: नहीं…Bhai बहन भी है।

लड़कियां सबसे ज़्यदा serious eyeliner लगाते वक़्त होती हैं।

कोई: कितने सिंगल हो?
मैं: घरवाले फ़ोन चेक करते हैं तो डर नहीं लगता।

मुझे पता है मैं गलत हूँ.. पर बहस करना तो बनता है😜🤣

सानु एक पल चैन ना आवे
इंटरनेट तेरे बिना।

गलती बैटरी की होती है और थप्पड़ रिमोट को खाने पड़ते हैं।

I’m single because “Love I Blind” और मेरी दोनों आखें बिलकुल ठीक हैं

Any: जी आपकी तारीफ़?
Me: हांजी कर दीजिये😆

वेट लॉस के लिए 2 महीने ग्रीन टी पी कर मैंने आधा किलो ग्रीन टी कम करदी😜

Read MoreiOS 16 Instagram For Android ( New Update )

Love Instagram Notes

If I know what love is, it is because of you.

You Read my Note, Because you love me.

Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time.

True love stories never have endings.

Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

How are you my Crush?

I loved you yesterday, still, always have, and always will.

Love by heart not by Body ❤️

Can you call me?

Romance is the icing, but love is the cake.

Heaven grants us patience with a man in love.

Love secretly not publicly 🙂

People need love. It’s the most powerful emotion in the world.

I want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye.

Love is like a Flower, Beauty + Thorn 🥲

Grow old with me, the best is yet to come.

Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.

Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener

Best Love is Loving Yourself 💫

I’m waiting for your answer.

Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness.

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.

Love is benevolent and harmonious – a haven of peace.

Don’t marry for money; you can borrow it cheaper.

You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.

Guys if you want more features on Instagram, then download this Instagram App.

Funny Instagram Notes

Best Instagram Notes, Notes Ideas, Instagram Notes in Hindi 2023, Best Instagram Notes in English, Silly Insta Notes, Attitude Instagram Notes, Love Insta Notes, Funny Instagram Notes, Best Instagram Notes Captions, Best Instagram DM Notes, Instagram Notes For Boys, Instagram Notes For Girls, Cool Ig Notes. Following you get so many funny Instagram notes ideas that you can use in your Instagram account.

Instagram notes feature

“Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse. That’s one of my mottos.” 😜

I always cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. 😁

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

I think God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.

When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome.

I drink to make other people more 😆interesting.

Hey, ur beauty is the same as Moneky’s smile 🤣

I like my money where I can see it: hanging in my closet.

The older you get, the better you get. Unless you’re a banana. 😅

If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

Never miss a good chance to shut up.

Instant gratification takes too long.

Your left-note person is Joker.

It is not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.

So this is my life — until I win the lottery.

I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. 😆

How do I get the Instagram notes?

Update your Instagram Application & Go to your chat section, you will get to see Instagram Notes features

What is the note feature on Instagram?

You can use 60 letters in your Instagram Notes & this will disappear after 24hrs

Why can’t I see notes on Instagram?

Update Your Instagram App

Who can see Instagram notes?

It will be visible to all your followers which you follow back

Do notes on Instagram expire?

Yes after 24hrs

Can you see who viewed your Instagram notes?


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